The Atacama Desert is the driest nonpolar region on our planet, which contains salt deposits (playas) along with massive stone structures that have been carved by powerful wind gusts over millions of years.

Award Flights to Chile

I was lucky to find award space in Delta One and used Flying Blue miles for the award booking. We explored both the Marble Caves and the Atacama Desert on the same trip.

Santiago to Calama (CJC)

It is best to book regional flights in Chile a few months in advance to get the lowest prices.

Atacama Accommodations

Accommodations tend to be pricier in San Pedro de Atacama due to the remoteness of the region. We stayed for 4 nights in the Terrantai Lodge Hotel (~$250 per night) and there was a detached garage to park the car which is a short walk from the hotel. I recommend NOT renting a car when visiting the Atacama Desert, as it is very easy to get lost and most areas have no cell phone signal. Most hotels provide airport taxi transfers for ~$20 each way and our rental car stayed in the garage for the duration of our stay. It is easy to walk around San Pedro de Atacama to find several restaurants and tour agencies to book all your adventures.

Things to see in the Atacama Desert

Moon Valley

The landscape of Moon Valley bears a resemblance to the surface of the Moon (hence the name) and this is the number one scenic attraction (El Valle De La Luna) in the Atacama Desert.

Valle de la Muerte (Death Valley)

Piedras Rojas (Red Rocks)

Monjes de la Pacana y Salar de Tara

Monjes de la Pacana y Salar de Tara
Las lagunas altiplánicas

Laguna Chaxa

Laguna Tebinquinche

Cejar Lagoon

Miscanti & Miñeques Lagoons

Valle del Arcoíris (Rainbow Valley)

Petroglyphs at Yerbas Buenas

El Tatio Geysers

Other Tours

Other Atacama Desert attractions include Star Gazing, a visit to the hot springs, and a hot air balloon ride.


The Atacama Desert is one of the most scenic places on our planet and should be on the bucket list of every traveler. The landscapes in the Atacama are otherworldly and should be experienced in person. I urge travelers not to assume it is just another desert and miss out on this opportunity when visiting Chile.

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