I have three active subscriptions for award booking tools (seats.aero.com, pointsyeah.com and awardtool.com) that help me find award space on flights (https://awardcracker.com/searching-for-partner-airline-award-space/). There are several other award search tools available, but I am only comparing the three programs in this review.

Premium Flight Award Search Engine Master Comparison

Parameter Seats.aero Pointsyeah AwardTool
Support for Domestic Connecting Flights No Yes Yes
International Nonstop Flights Yes Yes Yes
Region based search in the same search bar Yes No No
"Search From" Airport Code Limit Unlimited 2 16
"Search To" Airport Code Limit Unlimited 2 16
Max Number of search days Multi-search/region: +/- 28 days. Single city/region pair search : +/- 180 days. 8 days with next/prev option 16 days (with 1+1 from/to airports); 4 days (with 2+2 from/to airports); 1 day with multiple from/to airport codes.
Ability to choose minimum number of seats Yes (not supported by several programs) Yes Yes
Ability to choose flight duration No (being implemented). Yes Yes
Ability to choose number of flight connections Yes Yes Yes
Flight Connection Time Limiter No No Yes
Ability to choose Alliances (e.g., oneworld) Yes Yes Yes
Ability to choose Airline Programs (e.g., Aeroplan) Yes Yes Yes
Ability to choose flight carrier (e.g., JAL) Yes Yes Yes
Ability to choose Credit Card Transfer Partners (e.g., Amex) Yes Yes Yes
Premium Cabin % Limiter Does not display mixed cabin space. Yes Yes
Ability to see ECO, BUS & FIRST Award Space next to each other Yes. They appear in vertical columns next to each other. Must choose either Eco/premium Eco or Business/First Extensive with "give me all" option.
Max Taxes Limiter Yes Yes Yes
Max Points Limiter Yes Yes Yes
Choose Arrival & Departure Times No Yes Yes
Select Type of Aircraft No Yes Yes
Max Number of Search Days with Daydream Explorer N/A 60 days with next/prev option N/A
Max Number of Search Days with Panaroma N/A N/A 90 days
True Calendar Result View No No Yes
Number of alerts Unlimited 24 25
Specialized Tools ANA First Class finder, Delta One finder, Lufthansa First Class finder, Qatar Q-suite finder None None
Premium Membership Price $9.99/month or $99.99/year $12.99/month or $109.99/year $10.99/month or $84.99/year
Hotel Award Support Yes (Hyatt, Hilton, IHG & Marriott) Yes (Hyatt, Hilton, IHG & Marriott); Mr & Mrs Smith and FHR properties. Yes (Hyatt, Hilton, IHG & Marriott)
Region Based Hotel Award Search Yes Yes Yes
Discord Community Yes No No
Discord Large Seat Releases Yes No No


The biggest pros are unlimited alerts for flights/hotels and a wonderful single/multi-airport or region based search capability from the same search bar (without the need to click on separate function tabs like Daydream Explorer or Panorama).

The typical multi-city pair search function limits results to +/- 28 days (see image below).

Has the ability to add +/- 180 days to search results between two regions (e.g., USA to India)

Once you add more than one region (from/to), the maximum flight search days with decrease to +/- 28 days (see image below).

The biggest cons of seats.aero are the inability to include domestic award connections and not being able to limit the flight duration in the search results (duration filter will be implemented soon as per Discord announcement).


PointsYeah may not have any unique features compared to the competition, but it has the cleanest interface and should be the starter program for all points & miles enthusiasts (I recommend it to all my family & friends).


The biggest pros of AwardTool are the calendar view for results and flight connection time limiter (see images below).


All three competing premium award search engines each offer something unique over the other and I will continue to support the developers with their subscription. Whenever these programs improve their interface with new features, I will update the master comparison chart accordingly.

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