Global Entry requires no introduction and is the fastest way to reenter the U.S. after an overseas trip. After a recent change in the process, you are no longer required to scan the passport and just need to take a picture at the kiosk then take the printout to the agent. Since Global Entry also includes TSA PreCheck, it makes travel through airports a lot easier.
Global Entry has international arrangements to facilitate travel with partner countries like Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Germany, Croatia, Switzerland, India, Mexico, Netherlands, Panama, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan, and the United Kingdom (
Once approved, Global Entry is valid for five years and you are eligible to apply for the renewal one year before expiration (typically a day after your birthday – July 13th in my case). Even though we both got our original Global Entry approved on the same day, the expiration dates varied based on our birthdays (see the images below).

I did not notice that my wife was eligible for the application a few months ago, but it did not make a difference since we both got approved for renewal on the same day.
Global Entry Renewal Application Process
Once you are eligible, the option for the application renewal will show up on your Dashboard. The system will prefill all your data from the original application and it will show some error messages even though all the data is accurate (see the picture below).

If your passport information is accurate, you just have to scroll to the bottom and click on “continue to the next document” which will clear the error with the “red x” mark. If the passport needs to be updated, you can click edit and change the details. The system won’t let you add a second passport with the same details.
To complete the “travel history” document, I was able to browse through my for the list of countries visited in the past 5 years. Finally, I used my Morgan Stanley Amex Platinum (with a free authorized user card) to complete the final payment of $100 per person.

Global Entry Renewal Conditional Approval
I received my conditional approval notification 2 days after completing the online application and paying the renewal fee. Once I logged-in, my dashboard showed the following message.

Global Entry Renewal Interview Options
Unique to Global Entry Renewals, you will be able to schedule a remote appointment via Zoom.

To my surprise, I found several 15 minute slots for Zoom appointments within 1-2 days of my conditional approval date.

I was able to confirm two different times for me and my wife and joined the Zoom meeting (15 minutes before) with the link provided in the appointment confirmation message. There was a “waiting for the agent” message for about 10 minutes and once the person joined the Zoom call (they can see you but you won’t be able to see the agent’s face), the only verification questions asked were the name, address, camera verification of passport & driver license, list of countries visited in the last 5 years along with some general questions about any crimes committed etc., The interview was over within 5 minutes and we were told the updated Global Entry cards will be in mail as soon as possible.
Our timeline for the renewal: applied on July 13th, received conditional approval notification on July 15th followed by the remote interview and approval on July 17th.

I wanted to share how easy it was to renew Global Entry and the ease of participating in the remote interview option via Zoom. I heard from several other travelers about waiting months to get a renewal notification and I was pleasantly surprised with the superfast renewal process.